Beaujolais Day, 15th November 2018
2 courses – £24.95
We are all looking forward to Beaujolais Day on Thursday 15th November, where guests can choose from a spectacular 2 course menu. Priced at just £24.95pp for 2 courses.
Booking essential. Please call 01792 36 36 99 to secure your spot at one of the most talked about events in Swansea this year.
~ Starters ~
Smoked mackerel pate, vegetables ‘al la greque’, brioche
Gratinne des hallas
Salad Lyonnaise
Duck and orange parfait, classic pissaladiere
~ Mains ~
Sirloin steak ‘au poivre’
Chicken breast, Toulouse sausage & bean cassoulet
Roasted Provence vegetable tart tatin